Not currently. If you press Backspace the conversion will be undone, leaving you with the dot you first typed.
We are considering a feature to allow the dot to be recreated by typing a second dot:
which would be a second method, if and when this is done.
If you only want to stop the conversion occasionally you could try disabling VA, then enabling VA again afterwards. This can be done via the VAssistX IDE menu, or mapping a keyboard shortcut to the command VAssistX.EnableDisable
If you never want VA to do this conversion for this class, then it should be easy enough to hide the overloaded operator function from VA. This simple example shows one method of doing so:
template <class T>
class SmartPtrTestHideOperator
#define VA_HIDE_HIDE_OPERATOR_FUNCTION SmartPtrTestHideOperator()
#define VA_HIDE_HIDE_OPERATOR_FUNCTION T *operator->()
return ptr;
T *ptr;