Is this a method specific problem? If you use alt-g on a different function in the header file, does this jump to the cpp file?
If you are sitting in the cpp file and use alt-g on the function, are you taken to the declaration in the header file?
Since the cpp file is already open in the editor this should eliminate problems with VA finding the file. So this suggests VA is having problems parsing the cpp file. If you show VA Outline, does the outline look correct?
If you open the alt-m list, is the problem function listed?
If the function you cannot jump to is not listed then this would explain the problem the alt-g problem, "simply" leaving us with a file parsing problem. These problems are normally a cascade error, there is something further up the file, often mismatched curly brackets that is confusing our parser. For example:
void functionShowingBrackets()
#if 0