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 Hover Quick Info broken

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shambler Posted - Dec 01 2021 : 5:27:16 PM
In VS2022 and VAX 2021.11.17 the Quick Info tooltip when you hover over stuff is not working properly - not even the default intellisense one.

When VAX is completely disabled, the normal intellisense Quick Info hover tooltip works fine.

I have tried disabling all of these options with VAX enabled, to use the default intellisense Quick Info hover for the time being - but much of the time nothing shows:
Coloring and Attributes > Apply coloring to > Tooltips (off)
Display > Show Quick Info tooltips for more symbols (off)
Suggestions > Suggestion and Completion lists > Enable in C++ (off)
Floating Buttons and Icons > All options off
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Dec 02 2021 : 07:00:54 AM
What sort of symbols are you hovering the mouse over to see this problem?

Function names? Class names? Local variables? All of them? Other things?

If you disable VA via:

VAssistX -> Enable/Disable Visual Assist X

are the tooltips fast and reliable just on mouse hover? It almost sounds like a settings problem, but you have tried the obvious VA settings without effect. VA should not be stopping the IDE tooltips from appearing, hence asking what happens on simply disabling VA.
Shambler Posted - Dec 01 2021 : 5:32:29 PM
Pressing Ctrl K + I (the manual version of Show Quick Info) also is very inconsistent and slow with VAX enabled - and is instant with VAX disabled.

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