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 #pragma push/pop blocks hide members

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kram Posted - Dec 06 2021 : 10:09:28 AM
Hello Support,

List of methods for the following example code does not show f2.

class t1
    void f1()

#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable : 26434)
    void f2()
#pragma warning (pop)

#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable : 26434)
    void f3()
#pragma warning (pop)


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Dec 16 2021 : 07:29:39 AM
Ah, an interesting work around, than you for posting this It makes sense when you see it, but I am not sure I would have thought of that in a hurry. Hopefully this will help you in the cases you need to do this, until we get this bug in VA fixed.
Kram Posted - Dec 16 2021 : 01:33:58 AM
As a workaround, placing the pragma at the top of the function body statement block works, see f4:
class t2
    void f1()

#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable : 26434)
    void f2()
#pragma warning (pop)

#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable : 26434)
    void f3()
#pragma warning (pop)

#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable : 26434)
    void f4()
#pragma warning (pop)

feline Posted - Dec 15 2021 : 09:11:24 AM
I have a work around for a macro version of this bug, where it is a macro between the function signature and the start of the body, but trying to use a macro to replace the

#pragma warning (pop)

line is refusing to compile for me. Apparently #pragma lines are considered before macros are expanded, which is stopping this otherwise nice idea from working.
Kram Posted - Dec 14 2021 : 1:21:25 PM
30 or 40.

It's project containing a lot of legacy MFC code. The MFC class construction and default usage generates these warnings when compiled with newer toolchains. They are related to the function definition and inheritance / polymorphism.

The problem is that 26434 is a very generic. This is the reason why I placed it is round on the function definition part of the implementation. I do no want to blanket supress 26434 warnings in the rest of the code.
feline Posted - Dec 14 2021 : 11:56:54 AM
I am seeing the same effect here. Thank you for the clear description.


Are you seeing a lot of cases like this in your code, or just a few?

Basically VA's parser does not expect there to be anything between the signature line and the actual body of the function, and gets confused when there is.

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