first: Thank you very much for this great program, I really love it :)
Now, here's my problem:
I have edited the Refactor Document Methdo Autotext in order to use it with Doxygen. Here's how it looks:
* $end$.
* \\param $MethodArgName$ ($MethodArgType$)
* \\return ($SymbolType$)
Actually, it works for 99% of my methods, but not for all, e.g.:
void UpdateConnectionStatus(Connection *con, const char *date, ConnectionStatus status);
Produces the following auto comment:
* .
* \\param con (Connection *)
* \\param con (const char *)
* \\param con (ConnectionStatus)
* \\param date (Connection *)
* \\param date (const char *)
* \\param date (ConnectionStatus)
* \\param status (Connection *)
* \\param status (const char *)
* \\param status (ConnectionStatus)
* \\return (void)
But using the default auto text works correct with this method.
I don't know why this happens, so I hope someone here could help me :)