VA_X.dll file version 10.4.1626.1 built 2008.01.17
DevEnv.exe version 7.10.3077.0
msenv.dll version 7.10.3077.0
Font: Courier New 13(Pixels)
Comctl32.dll version 5.82.2900.2982
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
2 processors
Platform: Win32
Stable Includes:
C:\\Program Files\\boost\\boost_1_34_1;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\SDK\\v1.1\\include;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (June 2005)\\Include;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\include;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\include;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include\\prerelease;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include;
Other Includes:
Stable Source Directories:
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\mfc;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\atl;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\crt\\src;
void foo( unsigned short ){} // colors 'short' as a variable
void foo( unsigned int ){} // colors 'int' as a variable
void foo( unsigned char ){} // colors 'char' as a variable
void foo( signed short ){} // colors 'short' as a variable
void foo( signed int ){} // colors 'int' as a variable
void foo( signed char ){} // colors 'char' as a variable
void foo( long int ){} // colors 'int' as a variable
void foo( long double ){} // colors 'double' as a variable
void foo( unsigned long int ){} // colors 'int' as a variable
void foo( signed long int ){} // colors 'int' as a variable
template< typename T > struct Foo{};
void foo( Foo< unsigned short > ){} // colors 'short' as a variable
void bar( unsigned short i ){} // colors 'short' as a class/structure/typedef
void bar( const unsigned int i ){} // colors 'int' as a class/structure/typedef
The highlighting is correct in the code window, but the indicated errors show up in the VA Outline, tooltips, etc. I have all boxes selected in the "Apply coloring to" section of the "Advanced"->"Fonts and Colors" options. The errors are not consistent between components. For instance, in the "VA Find References Results" window, 'long' is consistently highlighted as a typedef when I search for references to "foo".