T O P I C R E V I E W |
cubiq |
Posted - Nov 07 2006 : 11:31:05 AM I use find in files quite a lot to follow code through, I've discovered the new find References feature which I see does this slightly better although at the cost of speed.
To make it a really killer feature I'd like the results display to also have a new column that displays the method name of where the reference is found.
Any chance of this? Please. |
9 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
support |
Posted - Oct 29 2007 : 01:51:10 AM case=3542 is implemented in Build 1614 |
feline |
Posted - Nov 09 2006 : 12:03:34 PM Good point I have put in a feature request to allow the text to be copied to the clipboard.
case=3542 |
cubiq |
Posted - Nov 09 2006 : 06:26:01 AM I use the find in files mainly, it also doesn't give function names. I was just hoping the find references would give me a bit more useful information.
Regarding copying the text, most of the visual studio output windows allow copying so I was expecting your's to as well. |
feline |
Posted - Nov 08 2006 : 1:33:40 PM Have you looked into the IDE's find in files feature? This is not really the same as Find References, but if you are searching for function names you may find its result more useful for placing into a todo list.
You can jump from the Find References Results lines, but the text on its own is not going to be all that useful when placed into a document. |
cubiq |
Posted - Nov 08 2006 : 11:02:13 AM The document is more of a todo list and a task breakdown for my manager ;) |
feline |
Posted - Nov 08 2006 : 10:56:48 AM You cannot copy the text from the Find References Results window, I suspect none of us have ever thought of doing this 
The immediate issue with coping the text is that only one line can be highlighted at a time, since that is the line you are telling VA to jump to.
If you are using VS2005 there is the new "Call Browser" window, but I am not sure how helpful this is, never having really found a use for it myself.
On a practical front, I am a great one for writing things down, but surely any document listing where a function / method is used is going to quickly become outdated, as the code changes and evolves? |
cubiq |
Posted - Nov 08 2006 : 04:43:27 AM One of the reasons I really want this is so I can do a copy paste into a document that lists where certain methods are used. I presume you can copy the 'VA Find References Results' window but maybe that's also another request.
I'd also like to get a quick overview of if the method is been called from multiple methods or just one method multiple times.
Thanks for the tip about the tooptip, I wasn't actaully aware of it. I don't find it that useful however without knowing what method i'm in, it would also be nice if it was syntax highlighted.
The trouble I've always found with scanning through (any type of) results quickly is there is always I slight delay for the VA method drop down to update (the one in the upper right of the window). |
feline |
Posted - Nov 07 2006 : 12:17:26 PM A very interesting idea, I have put in a feature request.
In the mean time are you aware of the tooltip, which shows some context, when you hover the mouse over a line in Find References Results? You can also use keyboard shortcuts to move forward and back through the references, which should make it quicker to scan through them. See the Navigation section here http://www.wholetomato.com/products/features/findReferences.asp |
AdyR |
Posted - Nov 07 2006 : 12:05:20 PM I like the sound of that too or even at the bottom of the hover tip after the file name if that has less impact on the search speed. |