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 U3 Flash drive support

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pwaugh Posted - Feb 16 2008 : 4:58:36 PM
Wouldn't it be cool (like tubular even) if I could take VAX with me on my U3 Cruzer?

Imagine, you have to go program on a colleage's computer, and you pop in your U3 stick and WHAM! His IDE is your IDE with VAX!

This dream has been brought to you by,


P.S. I want to be on the beta team!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pwaugh Posted - Feb 20 2008 : 6:15:04 PM
Ah, an even better idea. =)
feline Posted - Feb 20 2008 : 08:10:11 AM
Instead of a key dongle we are considering some form of license server on the network. Not quite the same thing as you are describing though.

At my last job I would often end up looking at code on a colleagues machine, and I always found the lack of VA to be crippling, so I just told them to install the trial. That or I dragged them back to my machine
pwaugh Posted - Feb 19 2008 : 6:49:28 PM
I'll bet your popular in R & D. :)

Just kidding. Actually, I would imagine the way to really do it would be to have VAX already installed, but the USB device would be more of a key dongle, that would then automatically activate it. But, you are right, I mean after all, how many people find themselves programming on a colleagues machine?

And after all, if you just install the trial, "Resistance is futile!".

feline Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 11:33:55 AM
It is very unlikely we would try and do this. VA has to integrate into the IDE in order to work, plus it needs to be told where to find the libraries and source code on the current machine.

Any form of USB drive, this raises all sorts of questions about where the database files are placed, what happens when you next launch the IDE and the USB drive is missing, etc.

Just install the trial version of VA on your colleagues machines. Both of you get the benefit of having VA installed, and they will start to understand why you like VA so much

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