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 Visual Assist Trial Mode popup problem on VS2022

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pbrown Posted - Nov 30 2021 : 7:25:35 PM
I just upgraded today to version 2021.5 due to problems I had with the prior version in Visual Studio 2022. Because my support period had ended for my current license, I am running in 7-day trial mode while I wait for a key from my new license purchase.

While doing this, I discovered a strange and relatively minor issue involving the Trial Mode pop up:

- Open an existing project/solution in a new instance of VS2022 with an unregistered copy of VAX.
- Once VS2022 comes up, immediately press Alt-F7 to open the project properties dialog.
- Once VAX loads, it will automatically pop up the "Trial Mode" dialog prompting me to select "Trial" or enter a key.
- Select Trial to dismiss this dialog.

At this point, the project properties dialog is still open but I can't get the focus back. So I can't edit project properties or even dismiss the dialog completely. I can get focus in my text editor windows and type normally. But since the main VS2022 window is occluded by the properties dialog, that's not very useful.

The only thing I can do at this point is close the entire application, after yes to a dialog that asks me if I really want to terminate the application while a dialog is still open.

If I don't have a dialog open at the time the VAX Trial Mode popup is displayed, I have no problems.

I expect that this problem will go away once I receive and enter my license key, but I figure it was worth reporting in case you wanted to investigate.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Dec 02 2021 : 07:03:20 AM
I know the feeling of forgetting seconds later, muscle memory can be a powerful force
pbrown Posted - Dec 01 2021 : 10:53:16 AM
Originally posted by feline

Thank you, that took a couple of attempts to trigger, the timing is quite tight.

I'm glad that you were able to reproduce. I got my new license key last night, so the issue is now resolved for me.

The issue triggered for me twice in a row yesterday. I figured out the workaround after my first repro, but forgot seconds later and did the same thing again. :-)
feline Posted - Dec 01 2021 : 10:49:33 AM
Thank you, that took a couple of attempts to trigger, the timing is quite tight. For now just don't rush to instantly open the dialog, you should only have to wait a couple of moments for the Trial dialog to appear, until you get your new license.

Good to know though, I have put in a bug report for this:


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