T O P I C R E V I E W |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Sep 05 2023 : 3:03:28 PM Would it be possible to add a proportional / fixed point font option to the VA Find References Results window? Maybe add an icon at the top with an [Aa->Aa] symbol showing proportional and fixed point letters, so when clicked it toggles through three options:
- 1. Proportional font
- 2. Fixed point font source code only
- 3. Fixed point font all text and code
You could use the editor window's font, maybe point size it down to the size used by VA in the VA Find References Results window.
-- Rick C. Hodgin
22 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
feline |
Posted - Jan 03 2025 : 1:00:18 PM I have raised this, so we will see. |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Dec 24 2024 : 4:49:19 PM I have relied on VAX since Visual Studio 2005. I use it daily. There are abou 15 features I would like added.
If you bring me aboard under NDA, I will agree to do work for Whole Tomato requests for free for the privilege of being able to add my requests, even if they're added as experimental features only so they're not distributed as enabled by default.
I'll also take any of the new font requests or UI features that people request.
Audition me by letting me remote into a machine you control. I sincerely am only interested in adding these features to VAX. I'll document every file I change and why, and will accept all code review guidance. It would be a win win win win win for all. :-)
-- Rick C. Hodgin
feline |
Posted - Dec 24 2024 : 09:30:02 AM We are considering allowing just the Find References Results font to be changed, but I am a bit concerned this will be the start of requests for multiple font settings, for multiple different things. We do try to keep the number of VA settings under some form of control:
case 150029 |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Dec 20 2024 : 4:17:46 PM I asked for the __VA Find Reference Results__ window font to be changed. I assume your app is rendering that content internally, and since it's a VA window it has little to do with Visual Studio other than placement and whatever you put in there. And whereas you may currently be using the Environment font by default, the change I'm asking for is to have your own font, either setup under the VS Tools Options, or on the VAX preferences menu. Either one is fine.
-- Rick C. Hodgin
feline |
Posted - Dec 20 2024 : 09:56:55 AM You asked how to change the font in the Find References Results window. Currently this is how it is done.
Visual Studio is using the Environment font for multiple windows that can and do show code, including the Find results window and the Class View window.
I am quite happy to accept that this seems like a daft approach, but we are copying what the IDE does, and trying to be consistent, giving you a consistent experience. So there is some logic here. |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Dec 19 2024 : 3:48:21 PM Really, Feline? This is the worst advice I've ever seen you give. This advice changes every font in the entire environment. Menu bars. Window headers. Everything.
-- Rick C. Hodgin
feline |
Posted - Dec 18 2024 : 12:10:16 PM Testing VS2022 with VA 2537, just go into:
IDE Tools menu -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors
set the pull down list:
Show settings for = Environment
and then set the font you want. This is updating the Find References Results window immediately for me. It is also setting the same font in several other parts of the IDE, as you would expect.
For aligning the columns, it is an interesting idea, and I have put in a feature request to see what our developers make of this:
case=165319 |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Dec 16 2024 : 4:26:04 PM I would also like an option to sort the found content/lines by the source code they have (without regard to whitespaces), so that similar items appear in order, regardless of what source files they're in.
Option 1 would be good because it uses a fixed point font. Option 2 would be better because it aligns things, and my dyslexia would thank you.

PS -- If you want me to write this for you, I'll sign an NDA and code it for free.
-- Rick C. Hodgin
foxmuldr |
Posted - Dec 13 2024 : 10:03:17 AM I wanted to reiterate my need for this and to bump it up the list.
I would very much like to see the source code in a fixed point font. I have dyslexia, and it's hard for me to see things that aren't aligned, and whereas sections like the two line 3363 matches on the same line shows up as two entries, there are characters like & which are very wide, and then IsWindow, which has the I character very narrow, causing it to make my eyes and vision spin a little bit. I have to really focus / concentrate to read it and it actually causes me eye strain and a headache if I keep doing it for very long.

I know you're already rendering this somewhere presently. Would it be too difficult to add an option to specify a font to use in source code in finds like this? Or to simply use one of the built-in Visual Studio fonts, like use the Output Window font or something?

-- Rick C. Hodgin
feline |
Posted - Oct 17 2023 : 05:49:53 AM I have put a note onto the case about this. For tooltips, often the tooltip is coming from the IDE, and VA is applying syntax colouring to it. So not sure how easily the tooltip font could be updated. In the IDE Font and Color settings, you do have the option of setting the font for "Editor Tooltip" which should help. |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Oct 16 2023 : 11:07:26 AM The only ones I can think of are:
1. Find by reference. 2. The rename list. 3. Tooltips.

At the top it should have an [A->] icon, which when clicked cycles through the fonts. That's my thinking.
You could also add a link to www.programmingfonts.org because they have a multitude of programming fonts people could choose from, or create a popup with links to those fonts if you don't want to link to a 3rd party aggregation site like that which could be here today, gone tomorrow.
-- Rick C. Hodgin
feline |
Posted - Sep 25 2023 : 11:03:52 AM I have put in the feature request for the Find References Results window, but which other places do you specifically want to change the font for? Some places make more sense, some places less sense. |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Sep 22 2023 : 1:21:35 PM Maybe something like this:

foxmuldr |
Posted - Sep 22 2023 : 1:19:28 PM Here's hoping. :-)
I think adding some settings:
- Use VA Fonts In These Windows:
Master font #1 to use: [dropdown list, default to the current IDE Options Environment font]
Master font #2 to use: [dropdown list, default to the current text editor font]
Master font #3 to use: [dropdown list, default to Microsoft YaHei UI :-)]
- Apply VA Fonts To These Windows:
[x] Find by Reference -- Font to use: [dropdown list, default to "Master fonts"]
[x] Rename -- Font to use: [dropdown list, default to "Master fonts"]
[x] etc... -- Font to use: [dropdown list, default to "Master fonts"]
Whichever ones are marked with an [x] display in that font, and whichever ones have the non-default "Master Fonts" selection will use that specific font and make it one of the ones available in the font cycle button that gets added to those windows.
As users choose / set fonts, it should auto-keep the selection for that window type and show it that way next time.
Just my opinion. |
foxmuldr |
Posted - Sep 22 2023 : 12:52:00 PM Here's hoping. :-)
I think adding some settings:
- Use VA Fonts In These Windows:
Master font #1 to use: [dropdown list, default to the current IDE Options Environment font]
Master font #2 to use: [dropdown list, default to the current text editor font]
Master font #3 to use: [dropdown list, default to Microsoft YaHei UI :-)]
- Apply VA Fonts To These Windows:
[x] Find by Reference -- Font to use: [dropdown list, default to "Master fonts"]
[x] Rename -- Font to use: [dropdown list, default to "Master fonts"]
[x] etc... -- Font to use: [dropdown list, default to "Master fonts"]
Whichever ones are marked with an [x] display in that font, and whichever ones have the non-default "Master Fonts" selection will use that specific font and make it one of the ones available in the font cycle button that gets added to those windows.
As users choose / set fonts, it should auto-keep the selection for that window type and show it that way next time.
Just my opinion. |
feline |
Posted - Sep 14 2023 : 11:37:50 AM I have put in a feature request for this, to see what our developers think of it. I am still a bit concerned this is the thin end of a wedge, but at the same time, I do see the appeal of being able to update the Find References Results window font:
case=150029 |
SvenR |
Posted - Sep 13 2023 : 07:50:57 AM After a lot of back and forth, I chose 'Microsoft YaHei UI' as my system font and I'm happy with it. So I don't need any further customization.
But there is something about foxmuldr's idea with the toggle in the window for a better visual separation of filenames and source code. This could also be a combined option for all VA windows with text and source code. |
feline |
Posted - Sep 13 2023 : 06:51:33 AM Would you look for a window by window font setting? Or just a single setting that applied across one or more windows?
I am used to using a proportional font for these VA windows, but always use a fixed width font for my code. But if we are talking about an option here, then what about VA View and VA Outline? They are both reasonable candidates. But then where do we stop? Honestly I am not sure where to draw the line, but adding a option for each individual window doesn't seem all that reasonable either. |
SvenR |
Posted - Sep 13 2023 : 04:02:22 AM I once had a similar problem when I used 'Verdana' as my Windows system font. It was easy to read in the Solution Explorer. VA used a different (Segoe UI like) font in its windows until build 2382. This one was better for recognizing source code lines in VA Outline and VA Find References. Unfortunately (for me) this was fixed in build 2387 (case=142364).
So it makes sense to want to use different fonts for different windows. Windows with source code may be clearer with a fixed font, while the Solution Explorer doesn't really look nice with a fixed font. |
feline |
Posted - Sep 12 2023 : 12:04:49 PM That's far too obvious, surely it isn't that 
How far do we want to try and take this though? Does the Find References Results font, assuming one can be set on its own, also effect the Rename dialog where the Find References Results are also shown?
What about VA Outline? Do we need one font for each place? Or just a "VA tool windows" font? What about dialogs? |
SvenR |
Posted - Sep 12 2023 : 08:16:55 AM quote: Originally posted by feline This will also change the font used in Solution Explorer, and other IDE tool windows.
This is probably the reason for the feature request.  |
feline |
Posted - Sep 06 2023 : 10:07:03 AM You can control the font used in Find References Results by editing the IDE font:
IDE Options -> Font and Colors -> Show settings for = Environment
and then changing the font used. This will also change the font used in Solution Explorer, and other IDE tool windows. |