T O P I C R E V I E W |
tiancovici |
Posted - Jun 17 2024 : 09:08:33 AM alt+shift+o is used to open the file browser when i search by file name, I get too many unwanted files
i.e. .pyc, .obj, .html, .cs, .bak, .lastbuildstate
I can't seem to use the ignore feature, and I'd really like to be able to have an inclusion filter instead of exclusion
I just want to browse .c, .h (and maybe occasionally .cpp, and .hpp)
Is this possible? |
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
feline |
Posted - Sep 17 2024 : 08:02:58 AM What are you placing into the persistent filter?
I would start by setting the persistent filter to:
.cpp., .hpp., .c., .h., .asm., .S.
where the comma is the OR operator, so VA is checking for filenames matching any of these filters. Since there is a dot before and after the extension, it is checking for an exact match. So this should include only these extensions. |
tiancovici |
Posted - Sep 16 2024 : 8:30:33 PM I find myself so far with this filter
-.mk. -.dep. -.vcxproj. -.d. -.err. -.src. -.html. -.obj. -.txt. -.o. -.png. -.md. -.pyc. -a. -log. -pdb. -.sln. -.bak. -.recipe. -.lastbuildstate. -.lib. -.jpg.
I really just want to browse .cpp, .hpp, .c, .h, .asm, and .S files |
feline |
Posted - Aug 07 2024 : 07:36:26 AM What have you tried in the persistent filter? The suggestion above should remove most of the problem files you are seeing, based on the screen shot you have posted. |
tiancovici |
Posted - Aug 07 2024 : 06:05:58 AM Hi, The use of negative filter helps with character '-'
However can't we do something similar for positive filter instead? Visual Assist is a mostly here for .c/.cpp files, right? at the very least it should be simple to filter for .c,.cpp,.h,.hpp (and maybe assembly too)
feline |
Posted - Jul 04 2024 : 07:24:44 AM The filter field you are using is positive matches, so it is including all files that match the pattern "word starting with c AND word starting with h" Since the filter is only word starting with, it isn't matching a full file extension.
If you use the bottom filter, this filter is always applied, and you can hide it, to avoid having to keep working around this filter.
The filter:
will exclude all entries that have a "word" starting with "pyc", and an extension is considered a word. But if you want to include or exclude a single character extension you need to use a dot before and after the extension, so for example
will include files with the .c extension, since only files with the filename or extension of exactly "c" will be included. Place a minus in front to exclude matching files.
Does this make more sense?
Have you tried placing the filter string:
-.pyc -.obj -.html -.cs -.bak -.lastbuildstate
into the bottom filter field, once you have turned on showing the persistent filter? |
tiancovici |
Posted - Jul 03 2024 : 4:33:40 PM I don't understand, this doesn't fix anything for me. Do I also have to do this every time?
I really don't need to see any files here other than .c, .h, .cpp, .hpp and .asm, .S

feline |
Posted - Jun 18 2024 : 06:29:24 AM If you right click into the file list, you can turn On:
Open File in Solution dialog -> Right Click -> Display edit control for persistent filter
and enter the following filter, to filter out all of these extensions:
-.pyc -.obj -.html -.cs -.bak -.lastbuildstate
or you could use a positive filter, like:
.c., .h, .cpp, .hpp
space is used to separate filter terms, and a comma is used to tell VA to OR the terms, since by default AND is used on the filter terms.
You can hide the persistent filter it you want, but it will still be applied, even if not shown. |