T O P I C R E V I E W |
HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 02 2024 : 10:59:55 AM Hi there, Have a problem that I've had for a long time and never quite worked out... Turns out VisualStudio constantly hangs and freezes for more than 10 seconds at random points when autocomplete gets triggered. I've disabled Intellisense but this has not helped.
Only thing I can do to stop the freezes is to disable VisualAssist. This is for an UnrealEngine project.
Any help would be appreciated. |
14 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
feline |
Posted - Aug 27 2024 : 08:43:32 AM No problem at all, hopefully keeping the VA navigation bar turned off at least keeps things more workable for you for the moment.
The logs would be interesting, when you have time to produce them, and hopefully will point us towards something. |
HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 26 2024 : 8:13:26 PM Hi there, Sorry the delay, I've been quite busy with work and haven't had time to look at this (as i'm trying not to use VAX). I'll try and see if I can set this up again and send you everything to the mail you attached when I have it. Thanks a lot! |
feline |
Posted - Aug 19 2024 : 07:04:38 AM Thank you for that, even if it isn't what I was looking to hear. Clearly there is a second problem at work here, also related to the VA navigation bar somehow, or to some extent.
We are working on re-writing the underlying code for the VA navigation bar, to fix some other problems that show up with it occasionally, and we are working on a fix for the high refresh rate problem. But I honestly don't know if we can expect this to help here or not.
OK, assuming you have a few minutes to look at this, can you turn the VA navigation bar back on please, so this problems starts happening again. These are the instructions for getting a profile of the problem, which should give us some useful information, I hope:
- have an instance of visual studio running which you can reproduce in - start a separate instance of visual studio - start debug > performance profiler - choose running process as your target, and select the devenv process you will reproduce in - check cpu usage under available tools - click start - reproduce the issue for several seconds in the other ide - click stop collection - optionally note the start and stop times of your reproduction so we can narrow our search - save the diagnostic report using file > save *.diagsession as...
Can you then please upload the resulting log file and send me a download link? Please send me the files via email:
[email protected]
including this thread ID or URL in the description, so we can match it up. |
HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 16 2024 : 11:13:24 PM yeah, it was a 60hz monitor ultra wide IIRC. It honestly got to a point that it was so bad that I had to disable VA altogether as it would brick my VS for 15 seconds every 5 minutes or so.
feline |
Posted - Aug 16 2024 : 11:53:07 AM Ah, do you remember if your previous monitor had an above 60hz refresh rate? It might be that this is an unrelated problem, which would be a little concerning.
Assuming the refresh rate change test is quick and easy, I would be most interested in the results. You may need to restart the IDE after changing the refresh rate down to 60 though. |
HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 16 2024 : 09:26:05 AM I honestly don't think this is the issue as the 144hz monitor I have is rather new (a month or two), while this problem has been going around for a lot longer than that.
I'll try changing the refresh rate and see if I have something to get back to you with. Are there any logs or anything else you need from me? |
feline |
Posted - Aug 16 2024 : 07:20:11 AM I am not certain you are seeing the same problem, but given the high refresh rate monitor, and that disabling the VA navigation bar makes a lot of difference, even though it isn't a full fix, I would say the odds are good. You are showing the same pattern, so I have added the comments to the bug report:
This is something we are actively working on, but the fact that we cannot completely reproduce it ourselves isn't helping.
If you have a few minutes, can you easily change the refresh rate on your monitor to 60hz? If so, and this "fixes" the problem then its basically confirmed that you are also running into this issue. If however it has no effect, then we have a different problem going on here. |
HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 15 2024 : 4:16:42 PM Just to let you know that disabling the navigation bar didn't help 100% (I seem to have less slowdowns but VS keeps staling).

HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 15 2024 : 12:40:49 PM Hi there, Yes I run a 144hz 4k display monitor. Could that be the issue? If so will disabling the VisualAssit bar be enough for now? I haven't tested this long enough to know for a fact that it fixed the issue.
feline |
Posted - Aug 15 2024 : 12:05:35 PM Thank you for all of the details, and I am pleased that we have found something that at least has some impact on this problem for you.
What refresh rate do you have on your monitor or monitors?
We have reports of slow downs and freezes with VA enabled, when the IDE is placed onto a monitor that is running with a high refresh rate. This has been reported with monitors with the refresh rates of 144hz, 165hz and 240hz. But one of our developers works with a high refresh rate monitor and is struggling to reproduce the problem, so it isn't automatically showing up.
I ask since turning off the VA navigation bar has a significant impact on the problem. So I am wondering if you might be running into the same problem. |
HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 15 2024 : 10:40:31 AM Hi there, sorry the delay had a rough week:
- are UE symbols being shown in italics for you?
- I am not sure how working on plugins will effect things, since I assume the plugin code you are editing is under the UE install directory, so is seen as inside the "stable" library tree. But I don't see how this would cause pauses like this either way.
NO, I work on a project with a project plugin inside, never touch the UE install directory
- Are you seeing this pause on all types of listboxes? You say its random, but I am wondering if you have seen any form of pattern to this. For example, does it often happen after typing a dot or -> to see a member listbox?
Not necessarily on the window itself that opens Sometimes as I'm writing code it just freezes which I guess is because the window is parsing data before showing me the completion hint
- If you run Windows Resource Monitor, and go to the CPU tab, you can get a CPU usage graph for each CPU core on your system. Can you please look for a CPU spike on a single core when you get this problem? If a single core is jumping to 100% but you have a lot of cores, it will barely register on an overall CPU usage graph.
Checked and no single core goes to 100%, it has been rather hard to trigger the issue when I want it to trigger but here is an image from when it happened. You can see a single spike when I went to one of the already opened VS instances and it got stuck for a while. Then after a few seconds I triggered the freeze for 10 seconds and that's what you can see here. Worth noting that sometimes I get heavy Disk usage for a small spike when this happens, but not sure if related to it or not.

Another thing that happened is that after disabling the VA Navigation Bar, I was coding a little to trigger this issue and got HEAVY processing sounds and one core topped out on resources. Visual studio DID NOT FREEZE though but no AutoComplete window appeared and it only ever appeared AFTER the CPU got back to normal.. now this is way more preferable to not being able to code... but the issue might be the same (only it's doing it async which is far more preferable). VA seems to still get stuck though.

- How are you disabling IDE intellisense? Just making sure its fully disabled is all.

feline |
Posted - Aug 05 2024 : 12:48:54 PM If you turn on:
VA Options -> Coloring and Attributes -> Show system symbols in italics
are UE symbols being shown in italics for you?
I am not sure how working on plugins will effect things, since I assume the plugin code you are editing is under the UE install directory, so is seen as inside the "stable" library tree. But I don't see how this would cause pauses like this either way.
Are you seeing this pause on all types of listboxes? You say its random, but I am wondering if you have seen any form of pattern to this. For example, does it often happen after typing a dot or -> to see a member listbox?
If you run Windows Resource Monitor, and go to the CPU tab, you can get a CPU usage graph for each CPU core on your system. Can you please look for a CPU spike on a single core when you get this problem? If a single core is jumping to 100% but you have a lot of cores, it will barely register on an overall CPU usage graph.
Logs are probably going to be worth a try, I am just trying to pin this down as much as possible first.
Does turning Off:
VA Options -> Display -> Display VA Navigation Bar:
have any effect on this problem?
How are you disabling IDE intellisense? Just making sure its fully disabled is all. |
HeavyBullets |
Posted - Aug 05 2024 : 09:38:31 AM It has been present for a long time... right now I'm using VisualStudio 2022 Preview Version.
Engine versions are all from 5.0 to 5.4, I work coding plugins so I usually have them all installed.
Engine is installed on 'C:' default directory, from the launcher.
Not seeing obvious spikes on TaskManger, when the hangs happen.
I can procure some logs or anything that might help check the issue if needed, just let me know.
Cheers! |
feline |
Posted - Aug 05 2024 : 08:10:33 AM Obviously this shouldn't be happening.
Firstly, Which IDE and version of VA are you using?
Which version or versions of Unreal Engine are you using, and did you download them via the Epic Games Launcher, or did you download and compile the source code from github?
Which directory is Unreal Engine installed into? This can matter since there is a known limitation in VA, that it assumes Unreal Engine is installed under "C:\Program Files\". However even if it isn't explain these performance problems.
Can you run Task Manager in detailed view, and see if you are seeing any obvious spikes when these pauses happen? |