Think about the follwoing line. SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE I place may caret at the front of this line and start writing:
The I shows the caret. In this situation no suggestion pops up. Only if a space or operator is between the text I write and the next text the suggestion pops up.
Is there any chance to get a suggestion in this case too? Martin
Martin Richter [rMVP] WWJD "A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly written program is its own hell!" The Tao of Programming
I believe VA X tries to find SWP_SWP_SHOWWINDOW in this case (and it will not find such an entry). Try typing a space first (or in your case maybe an bit-wise OR |), then press the left cursor and then type SWP_. It will show: SWP_ SWP_SHOWWINDOW. Now VA X will probably give you some suggestions.
As far as I can remember, Visual Assist .NET was able to do so, at least with variables!
Very often, I had 2 structs named "MyKundenDaten" and "ProgrammDaten"
So if I had "ProgrammDaten", I could easily select the word "Programm" and start typing "MyK" (this would like like this: "MyKDaten") and VA .NET would popup a suggestion with "MyKundenDaten". This behaviour is gone in VA_X! I always have to type the full name of my variables when replacing bits of variable-names...