The last line on the screen is suddenly not syntax coloring. If I use the mouse wheel to make it the penultimate () line instead of the last line, then it colors correctly. I never noticed this before... maybe because, weirdly, the only line that I can make do this is the red line in the code below (I posted all this code thinking that maybe syntax would help debugging it): CString sString(dsContracts.GetS("contract_nbr"));
HTREEITEM hti(InsertItem(sString, TVI_ROOT, TVI_FIRST));
HTREEITEM htiTemp(InsertItem(sCategories, hti));
(SEQ_MASK & dsContracts.GetL("contract_seq")));
SetNoEditMode(htiTemp, 0);
// Make a link of the contract number
CFont* p_cFont = GetItemFont(hti, NUMBER)
? GetItemFont(hti, NUMBER)
: GetFont();
What's special about that line? Beats me...
[A few minutes later...] Hey guess what? Now that line works okay as the last line, and the line above it is the one that fails. Sigh...