Ok for the longest time whenever I upgrade to the latest version of VAX coloring inevitably breaks. So far the way I fix it is uninstall VAX then wipe out the VAX registry entries then reinstall. As you can guess this sucks! The good thing is I have it down to a science now that I've saved off my custom colors from the registry as .reg files and reapply them when VAX is reinstalled.
In hoping that this silly coloring breaking issue can be fixed once and for all I can email my reg files that seems to always cause the coloring to break to someone at whole tomato. If someone can reccommend who to email these too I'll be glad to do so. It seems like if whole tomato used these coloring settings and tried their upgrade against these colors then this coloring issue could be discovered before the release.
Update: I emailed the registry files to [email protected] referencing this post's topic id.
Well the problem in topic 3316 isn't exactly like mine but its close. I wish I would have saved a screenshot but bascially the coloring goes completely haywire, like classes are colored correctly sometimes but variables are not colored and in some places the everything is colored but the "_" in a variable or class name, like I said completely strange behavior. I guess if this happens the next time I upgrade I'll take screenshots and dump all my reg files again.