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 Caret moves to random location
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Starting Member

1 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2005 :  1:43:46 PM  Show Profile
Using: Visual Studio.NET 2003

Steps to reproduce:
I don't know if it matters, but use code that creates a window. Edit the code, then run your project in the Debugger. Interact with your project's window, then exit your app. When VS ends debug mode, select a piece of code in your project by double-clicking it. Start typing to replace the selected code. You'll notice that after the first character is typed, the caret jumps to a random location (usually higher) on the page. Sometimes it will insert random characters in other open files in the project.

Visual Assist Info:
VA_X.dll file version 10.1.1287.0
Licensed to:
VA X: [email protected] (1-user license) Support ends 2005.08.30
VA.NET 7.1:
VAOpsWin.dll version
DevEnv.exe version 7.10.3077.0
msenv.dll version 7.10.3077.0
Font: Courier New 13(Pixels)
Comctl32.dll version 5.82.2900.2180
WindowsNT 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
Single processor

Platform: Win32
Stable Includes:
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\include;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\include;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include\\prerelease;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\SDK\\v1.1\\include;

Library Includes:
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\mfc;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\atl;
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\crt\\src;

Other Includes:

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2005 :  2:56:44 PM  Show Profile
i have never seen this, and i often edit my code while the program is running.

are you using C++? if so is this MFC window code? i don't use MFC, but i don't see why this would be relevant off hand.

does this only happen in one project? do you have more than one set of window code where you can try this? i have seen reports of this sort of problem before, but so far i have never been able to recreate the problem on demand.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

United Kingdom
781 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2005 :  4:55:20 PM  Show Profile
This sort of error has been reported for several months but is still very common. It happens to me at least once a day. But I haven't particularly associated it with editing while debugging, myself. It seems to me to be most common when you have to check out the file from source control; or when you overtpe a selection, or do a surround selection.

Stephen Turner
ClickTracks http://www.clicktracks.com/
Winner: ClickZ's Best Web Analytics Tool 2003 & 2004
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Tomato Guru

105 Posts

Posted - Apr 21 2005 :  12:58:39 AM  Show Profile
I get this alot as well. If it's the same problem I'm getting, the cursor isn't moving to a random location - it's moving to the position of the cursor from the previously active file (naturally both files must be open at the same time). This happens when I activate a file [by clicking the tab for that file] and start typing without first doing some action that resets the VA X context location for the newly active file (i.e. something that would also cause the context drop-down to update itself with the current location of the cursor).

what could possibly go wrong? :D

Edited by - evolution on Apr 21 2005 01:01:05 AM
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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2005 :  11:26:27 AM  Show Profile
Do the problems occur only in certain files, or only in files with something in common?

We suspect performance of VA X might be an issue.
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Tomato Guru

United Kingdom
781 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2005 :  12:19:49 PM  Show Profile
I have never noticed anything particular about the files in which this occurs.

Stephen Turner
ClickTracks http://www.clicktracks.com/
Winner: ClickZ's Best Web Analytics Tool 2003 & 2004
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