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Tomato Guru

105 Posts

Posted - Jul 11 2005 :  1:30:25 PM  Show Profile
In the recent builds (though not necessarily new to 1418), I am seeing an issue where the suggestion listbox is appearing while I'm typing inside a single line comment. Is this by design? If I do a full purge (clean cache, rebuild symbols, delete .ncb's), it doesn't seem to happen right away - typing inside comments does not cause the suggestion listbox to be displayed. However, at some point, it "breaks" and from then on, I get the suggestion listbox everytime I am typing in a comment. Tinkering with options doesn't seem to have any effect on it.

VA_X.dll file version 10.1.1418.0 built 2005.06.24
Licensed to:
VA X: [email protected] (1-user license) Support ends 2005.09.07
VA.NET 7.1:
VAOpsWin.dll version
DevEnv.exe version 7.10.3077.0
msenv.dll version 2.0.1332.0
Font: Courier New 13(Pixels)
Comctl32.dll version 6.0.2900.2180
WindowsNT 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
2 processors

Platform: Custom
Stable Includes:
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\vc7\\include;
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\vc7\\atlmfc\\include;
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include\\prerelease;
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include;
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\sdk\\v1.1\\include;

Library Includes:
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\mfc;
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\atl;
c:\\program files\\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\\vc7\\crt\\src;

Other Includes:

what could possibly go wrong? :D

Tomato Guru

775 Posts

Posted - Jul 11 2005 :  2:15:47 PM  Show Profile
Usually, those suggestions only pop up when you press Ctrl+Space.

Are you sure you're not accidently pressing this key-combo (happens to me sometimes)?

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Tomato Guru

105 Posts

Posted - Jul 11 2005 :  2:30:08 PM  Show Profile
Definitely not accidentally pressing Ctrl-space.

what could possibly go wrong? :D
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2005 :  5:04:41 PM  Show Profile
it is not supposed to be doing this, and there is no option i know of to turn this on or off. is this happening in C++ or C#? any obvious triggers?

as a long shot you could always try replacing your ncb file with a zero length read only file, and then telling the IDE to leave it alone when you load your project. i do this, and it has never caused me any problems.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

105 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2005 :  5:27:48 PM  Show Profile
This is only in C++, and I haven't been able to reliably reproduce it. It may possibly be related to moving a comment block - I've noticed that in the latest build of VAX, after changing a symbol it sometimes takes a very long time to update its internal database (i.e. after deleting a member variable, it still shows up as a member for quite some time). After moving a group of comments up a few lines (by highlighting, then dragging the selection using the mouse), I noticed that I would now get suggestions inside those comments, even though I hadn't been getting suggestions inside that same comment just a few moments before. It's worth mentioning that the codebase I work with is very large (20 projects or more), thousands of complex macros, etc...

BTW, when this is happening, all of VAX's functions work inside the comment as well (e.g. hovering over a symbol inside a comment displays the symbol declaration, VA view displays that symbol, etc.)

I have tried that workaround (marking the .ncb readonly) in the past for various issues - I can try it for this as well.

what could possibly go wrong? :D
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2005 :  6:55:59 PM  Show Profile
i have just tried highlighting a comment with the mouse and then dragging it with the mouse into a different function and this is not triggering any suggestions when typing inside the comment.

this is with VS 2003 and VAX 1418, and a 4 line comment made up of 4 // comment lines.

as an initial workaround you could try cutting and pasting the comment rather than dragging it, this is quick and easy if you are mainly a keyboard user.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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