Yes, this is VS 2005 Beta 2 and C# -- sorry I should have mentioned that.
I get this to happen on 2 different machines. I'll see if I can track down anything else that might shed some light on the issue. BTW: I did try clearing the cache and rebuilding the database.
it turns out that this lack of underlining only effects one virtual machine. i have probably done something to upset it
using a more stable machine i have VS 2005 beta 2, VA 1424 and C# the line:
using System.Collections.Generic;
is shown all in blue and italic. in your screen shot you have Generic in a different colour as well as underlined. is this happening across more than one solution? i have checked this and it works correctly in two different solutions here.
in my upset machine i have the same colouring of Generic as you. can you try rebuilding your symbol databases and clearing VS's cache? this did not fix my problem machine but it may help you.
i will email support and see what they can suggest.
I'm getting on the Generic and the WebParts of the following namespaces:
System.Collections.Generic using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
I'm also getting this on variables that represent classes that are in referenced assemblies. It doesn't happen on references to assemblies that are in the project only on "third-party" assemblies. Meaning assemblies that are referenced using the browse option instead of the project option.
I saw this under VS 2005 BETA2 and it still exists in RC1
Brian S Winfield
Edited by - brian_winfield on Oct 03 2005 7:14:51 PM
i have asked support. the colouring problem, and presumably as a direct consequence the underlining problem is a know issue and is being worked on by the developers.
VA is having problems correctly finding all of the project references on some machines in C# and VB. this will not be fixed in the next build, but hopefully it will not be to long in coming.