for example, a class named "Class1" is created. But the color of "Class1" is that "Class" is black and "1" is deep blue. Like this:
public class Class1 { ... }
what is the problem?
VA_X.dll file version 10.1.1418.0 built 2005.06.24 Licensed to: VA X: XXX@XXXX VA.NET 7.1: XXX VAOpsWin.dll version DevEnv.exe version 7.10.3077.0 msenv.dll version 7.10.3077.0 Font: +?+?+?+?+?+? 12(Pixels) Comctl32.dll version 6.0.2900.2180 WindowsNT 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2 2 processors
Platform: Win32 Stable Includes: D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\include; D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\include; D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include\\prerelease; D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\PlatformSDK\\include; D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\SDK\\v1.1\\include;
Library Includes: D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\mfc; D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\atl; D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\crt\\src;
this is coloured correctly for me using VS 2003, VA 1418 and C#
based on the font name in the details you have given (i cannot read it) are you using a localised windows or IDE? this could have something to do with it.