Visual Studio 2005 refuses to start with VAX installed. It shows the Splash screen and i can see VAX in the list of installed components. After that, it quits without any response. No message at all.
If I uninstall VAX, the new IDE comes up as expected. I have tried with VAX 1418 and 1430, but the result is always the same, Visual Studio quietly exits after diplaying its splash.
I've been running VAX 1430 on three different VS2005 Pro RTM installs since 1430 was released. I've not encountered this problem with it. The only problem I've run into is the enum problem reported. None of the machines had VS betas installed.
I'm using VS2005 Professional Edition. It is the 2 CD version downloaded from MSDN. My machine never had a VS2005 Beta installed and is running Win XP with SP2. I've also tried uninstalling VAX and reinstalling VS2005. When i installed VAX after these steps, VS2005 is unable to start again.
I realized that the "ResOrg .Net" addin ( also registered with VS2005. After uninstalling this i could start the IDE with VAX installed. As i'm only using the stand alone version of ResOrg anyway, i can live with that.
you may want to email riverblade about this. from memory Anna from riverblade has posted in the lounge at that she uses VA, but i am not able to find the post at the moment to prove this. however if she does then she may know of a more effective workaround.