Is the VAX Intellisense able to understand unnamed structures and unions?
I have something like this:
union { struct { long _val1; long _val2; }; struct { char *_buf1; long _val3; }; } _data;
When I hit the period '.' after typing _data, Intellisense suggests things like "unnamed12892" or "unnamed763452" rather than "_val1", "_val2", "_buf1", "_val3" etc.
getting the unnamed12892 suggestions is a bug in VA, i suspect this is VA's internal name for the structure. it needs some way of referencing it, and has to produce its own name since one is not provided.
the other side of this is that when i disable VA i cannot get the IDE to offer any suggestions at all after "foo."
at least with VA once you accept "unnamed12892" VA will then suggest the components of that structure