I'm writing an add-in for VS2003/2005 that closes all non-essential windows when I press Esc (like in VC6). I can find the Output window for example by using the vsWindowKindOutput constant: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/envdte.constants.vswindowkindoutput VS.80 .aspx, which is some sort of GUID. Then I just call the Close method of the Output window.
personally I have no idea, so I have put in an enquiry to see what the developers make of this question.
Have you have considered triggering auto hide? This does not take up to much screen space when there are only a few windows involved, and you may be able to achieve this by triggering the show Find References Results toolbar button or menu option, and then sending the Escape key to the IDE.
If you just need a GUID, the GUIDs for all the toolwindows are located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\[7.1|8.0]\\ToolWindows
The VA toolwindows are managed by the IDE. We provide no additional API for their control. I would imagine that whatever method you use to find and close the output window will work with any VA toolwindow as well.