VS2008 VA1862 win7 32bits (1)The caret(green box),is where I input is a template parameter "Type",The VA don't prompt it. (2)When I use the wraper class Xlist,The method member of CTypedPtrlist and CPtrList also cann't get prompt too.(CPtrList is base-class of CTypedPtrlist,CTypedPtrlist is base-class of Xlist) Is there some space to improve it?
Testing with VA 1901 in VS2008, on the line with the green box, I get "Type" suggested by VA after typing "ty", so when I have:
BOOL PickOUtEqualptr(XList<ty|>);
The members of CTypedPtrlist not being listed is actually a known problem, there seems to be something about using this template as a base class that confuses our parser:
The work around for this is to turn on:
VA Options -> Advanced -> Listboxes -> Get content from default Intellisense