I am currently using Resharper for C# projects, but I am looking at VAX for coding C++. Is it possible to have both such that Resharper takes care of C# projects and VAX takes care of the C++ projects only?
I didn't buy/try your product yet. It was recommended on a stackoverflow post and I liked what I saw on your website with regards to the C++ coding assistance.
I am currently using Resharper and it is quite a resource hog (and yes, if you must ask, I am using an SSD and the cpu is pretty fast). I do not want to add another add-in on top of that to battle for the same thing.
I've been reading another thread on this forum on the same subject from 2010-2011: http://forums.wholetomato.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9637. I thought you must be tired of this question and by now you have added a way of disabling VAX for C# type projects (web or not). Another way would have been to split the product in 3, an add-in for C++, one for C# and one for both. I am interested only in the C++ support.