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 Prestant file location display VA Navigation bar
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Junior Member

10 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  01:56:49 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ability to has VA Navigation bar to
permanently at all times display the current files' location on
a new line.

It would therefor be great to permanently have the location displayed
so that the back ground filing structure is also implicitly learnt at the same time one keeps using VA to navigate code abilious to were the files are located as it seen every time and not just when moving the cursor to the top of the file.

This also has the added bonus of allowing the operator to realize that he may have two different instance of the same file opened, but in the wrong copy of the project when working on may different things at the same time.

When dropping into a larger project and being so used to VA
one tends to not learn the filing structure of the files
were these files are located, since VA does its' job well enough,
then one tends to feel lost when having to find things on the disk later on for a period of time.

VB scripts for using the title bar, don't always play to well with VS.

Kinda regards,

Wesley Oliver

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2014 :  8:19:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just place the caret before or after a function, so it is between functions, and the full file name is shown. There is no need to place the caret at the start or end of the file.

You can also hover the mouse over the tab in the IDE to see the full file name.

If your file system layout is similar to your layout in Solution Explorer then try turning On:

IDE tools menu -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> General -> Track Active Item in Solution Explorer

which will help you see where the file sits in the Solution Explorer tree.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

10 Posts

Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  12:56:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Regarding placing the caret before or after a function only works if the caret has file context.
if the caret is in the context of a namespace then the namespace is displayed.
if the caret is in the context of a class then the class is displayed so on and so forth.
Most of the time the caret spends its life in a namespace or class and not in the file context, container.

Track Active Item in Solution Explorer works, but most of our folders contain more than just a couple of
screen heights worth of files. So the context of the parent folder is lost very quickly, especially
with everything ending being expanded.

So possibly still a nice feature.
That or for VS Solution Explorer adds an summary of the tree view path at the top, that has
been cut off. Similar to the address bar in explorer.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Mar 06 2014 :  10:34:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Unfortunately it is unlikely this is something we would do, since it does not seem to be something that would benefit most of our users.

Another method to quickly check the file path, have you considered a VA Snippet that inserts the reserved string $FILE$, perhaps the code:

// $FILE$

which will insert the full path to the current file.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

20 Posts

Posted - Mar 11 2014 :  05:22:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This might not be exactly what you need but there are built-in VS facilities to "locate yourself".
First, the full path to the file is always displayed as a tooltip of the file's tab.
If you're really lost you can also right-click the tab and select Open Containing Folder which will open explorer pointed to the location of the file.

If you have several same-named files in different projects in the same solution VS will also color their tabs differently.
I myself find it very useful to have tabs set to be displayed to the left (instead of default top). It groups files in the same project together, gives them distinctive color and it's a lot easier to figure out "where you are" when you have such dense top-down list.
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