I have Malwarebytes installed on both of the computers I use for development and both flagged Visual Assistant as having a trojan in several files associated with visual Assistant. Enclosed is a screen shot from one machine.
The other machine only had three detections, but they were in the same locations. It looks to me like the latest version of their database is flagging VA_X.dll as having a virus.
I suspect this is a false positive since it just happened after a database update and only found the virus in the VA_X.dll file.
Not only this came up yesterday, but I also applied the latest updates to Windows 7 yesterday and it broke something in SP1 on VS 2010. The program started reporting that SP1 was not installed and it took several tries to get it reinstalled. It may have been a fluke from something else, but I'm just putting this out there in case anyone else sees any problems with VS 2010 after an update to Windows.