I have the settings, thank you for these:
So far I cannot reproduce the problem here. What, exactly, are you doing to trigger this formatting bug? With both your VA and IDE settings imported, sitting in a cpp file, I have typed in the following simple code test:
void simpleFormatIf()
if(1 == 2)
{| }
not accepting any listboxes. | is where the keyboard caret ended up when I typed the {
When I then press Enter to add a new line, without moving the caret, I end up with:
void simpleFormatIf()
if (1 == 2)
So I am wondering if you are seeing this on something other than typing the code block.
Another thought, does turning Off:
IDE tools menu -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Formatting -> General -> Enable ClangFormat support
have any effect on this problem? If a clang format file is a factor then that is a set of formatting options that are not included in either the IDE or VA settings, plus there can be several clang-format files that need to be considered.