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 Please add a sorting feature based on comments in
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Posted - Feb 14 2024 :  02:29:49 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello, I'm a C++ developer who uses VA Hashtags with great appreciation. I have a feature in mind that I believe would significantly increase efficiency in how I use VA Hashtags. It's not a difficult feature to implement. If I've created multiple tags like //#test, I would like the ability to sort the comments within the corresponding tag category based on the comments themselves in the VA Hashtags view. If this could be implemented, it would greatly enhance the flow of functionality expression using VA Hashtags.

Currently, I represent flow using something like //#test1 //#test2 //#test3, but if comments within each tag category could be sorted based on the comments themselves, it would be excellent, like //#test 1. //#test 2. //#test 3. This way, I could also express the flow of the tags. I'm not sure about others, but I think it would be incredibly beneficial from my perspective. Please consider this request.

Lastly, VisualSvn has been incredibly helpful throughout my 20 years of game development.
You can take pride in your work. Thank you, and I'll continue to use it well into the future.

Edited by - leekilsang on Feb 14 2024 02:32:18 AM

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19088 Posts

Posted - Feb 14 2024 :  07:48:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We are considering adding the ability to sort the hashtags by the comment:


I am very glad to hear you continue to find VA so helpful and useful, thank you for your kind words

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