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Junior Member
16 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2024 : 07:12:59 AM
When fuzzy search is enabled, the open file in solution dialog seems to prefer selecting the last file I opened instead of the file which exactly matches what I type, as long as there's a vague resemblance between the two. Example:
Alt+Shift+O, type "NiagaraDebuggerClient", hit enter to open the file that it finds (NiagaraDebuggerClient.cpp). Alt+Shift+O again, type "NiagaraDebugDraw". It will select "NiagaraDebuggerClient.cpp" again, even though there's a file called "NiagaraDebugDraw.ush":

In this case the two files are at least somewhat related, and the one I'm looking for is close to the bad match in the list, but most of the time the matches are wild and I can't find the thing I'm looking for because it's hundreds of lines away. This renders the dialog pretty useless. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19108 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2024 : 10:09:58 AM
Which version of Unreal Engine are you using?
Which version of VA are you using?
Testing this with UE 5.2, when I use the search filter "NiagaraDebugDraw" I get only 2 files displayed, with Fuzzy searched turned On and Off.
When using the more general filter "NiagaraDebug" I only get 19 files displayed, from a total of 52,682 files. So I am dealing with a much smaller total file list than you, and a smaller number of "Niagara" files, but still, the filter results you are getting don't make much sense, and don't match the results I am seeing here. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Junior Member
16 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2024 : 10:17:31 AM
This is in the UE5 master branch. I'm using VAX version 10.9.2530.0 (it says the build date is 2024.07.30). |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19108 Posts |
Posted - Sep 09 2024 : 12:26:39 PM
Syncing to "origin/ue5-main" using GitHub desktop. Not sure how long it is going to take to get a test case up and running, but working on it. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19108 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2024 : 12:17:54 PM
OK, test case just needed me to set:
VA Options -> Game Development -> Index Unreal Engine plugins (requires restart) = All
so the ignored files were listed.
I have put in a bug report for this:
but, having said that, this isn't quite a bug, its instead an unhelpful overlap of two different features. Firstly, the OFIS dialog is designed to highlight the last selected file, even with a different filter, if the new filter still matches the last opened file. Not something you will notice if you are looking for a quite different file, but it makes it quick and easy to return to the last opened file if you closed it by mistake.
The second feature is the Fuzzy search, which can end up listing a load of files you don't want, since its doing a fuzzy search, not an exact search.
Combine the two, and this happens.
I would suggest one of two possible work arounds. Firstly, you can toggle Fuzzy search with Alt-F while the dialog is open. Turning it off makes sense if you are typing exact file names you are sure of.
The second work around is to use the DOT character as part of the filter. This marks word start or word end, so the filter niagaradebugdraw. is quite different to the filter niagaradebugdraw since the first one says "word ends here" while the other one doesn't. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Junior Member
16 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2024 : 12:25:43 PM
Yeah I noticed that the dot makes the fuzzy matches go away. I was highlighting an extreme case where it's ignoring even an exact match in favor of the last open file. I normally rely on fuzzy match since I can't recall the exact file names, and this interaction with the other feature makes it way less useful than it could be, because very often there's some degree of fuzzy match with the last open file, so it never selects what I'm looking for. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19108 Posts |
Posted - Sep 10 2024 : 12:45:10 PM
Are you aware that you can add a space and then type a new filter? In this case, if you know you are looking for a ush file, adding a space then the second filter ".ush" or even ".us" for both ".ush" and ".usf" files should help to narrow down the search. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Junior Member
16 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2024 : 03:53:20 AM
Yeah, I know, but 90% of the time I'm looking for a cpp file, so it doesn't help much. :) |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19108 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2024 : 10:07:45 AM
Are you using both positive and negative filters, to try and narrow down to the file you want?
Disabling Fuzzy search is one suggestion, but that only helps if you are sure of the parts of the file name you are using for the filter.
Hunting for a file you half remember the name of, when you have this many files to search through is tricky, as you full well know. I am wondering if there is something else we can do here to help. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Junior Member
16 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2024 : 10:34:07 AM
I'm not using negative filters. Does your fuzzy search function have a score? Maybe you can boost the score for the last opened file a little bit so that it picks it up initially, but as a better match is found, it jumps to that. |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19108 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2024 : 10:57:06 AM
I am not sure how the fuzzy search works, but yes, preferring an exact match is certainly part of what case=164951 is getting at.
Personally I often use negative filters with large lists, since it lets me "hide" blocks of files I know I don't want to consider.
Having said that, just running some tests here, changing the search filter from:
actually made a lot of difference, even with fuzzy search turned On. It dropped me from 1,245 files down to 15. Only helps if you are fairly sure the file name you want actually starts with this filter, but if you are happy that it does, it gets you where you want to be a lot more quickly and easily. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
Junior Member
16 Posts |
Posted - Sep 11 2024 : 10:58:17 AM
Oh I didn't realize the dot can be used like that, thanks for the tip! |
Whole Tomato Software
United Kingdom
19108 Posts |
Posted - Sep 12 2024 : 06:59:35 AM
Dot marks the start or the end of a word, and a word can be either the file name OR the file extension. You can also use \ if you want to filter on directory names. I am not sure how useful that would be in this case, but sometimes it is very useful.
For me, with Fuzzy searched turned On, the filter:
is giving me 4,418 results. Changing this to be:
is dropping this to 1,488. So quite the change, but not really narrowing it right down. |
zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness |
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