VAX 1424 on VC6: Consider this code, where IFooPtr is a COM smart pointer:
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IFoo, __uuidof(IFoo));
IFooPtr pInput;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pInput.CreateInstance(__uuidof(CoFoo))))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pInput->Open(m_strFileIn)))
Pressing Alt+G on the Open method takes you to the definition of the smart pointer itself:
template<typename _IIID> class _com_ptr_t { ...
VAX 1418 would take you to the MIDL-generated header file that contains the prototype for the Open method. What would REALLY be nice is if VAX could take you to the actual implementation, if it happens to be part of your project (which, I acknowledge, is really only applicable when you're developing COM server code rather than client-only code. It's when some server components act as clients of other COM servers that this comes into play.)