It would be nice to be able to define tabbable regions within autotext similar to hode CodeRush or VS2005 allows.
So within a template, I could have something like $marker$ and after the template is dropped on the code editor, you could then just hit the tab key to move the cursor to those locations (highlighted in user-defined backcolor) instead of having to move using the mouse or arrow keys.
are you familiar with autotext prompting you to provide the values to insert? this provides a form of solution for this. the other element you have is the $end$ token, which places the caret here when the autotext block is inserted.
what sort of code fragments are you trying to insert? i am wondering if there is a better approach to this. are you aware of the $selected$ autotext tag? also you can right click in the autotext prompt dialog and gain access to your clipboard history.
i can see various possible problems with tabbing through the autotext block, in terms of how the user will interact with this, and making it work reliably given that the IDE does not know VA even exists.