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 Highligh on VAX-View >Goto<
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Tomato Guru

272 Posts

Posted - Mar 14 2006 :  01:47:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have a bunch of small methods ( like 50 of them ) in that vicious header file I am currently working on. VAX-View helps me a lot with this task now.

1. One feature I would like to request is a "Highligh method" on goto or double-click. It would highlight, even for a brief moment the method I just double clicked on, so I know where it is situated in the file.

Honestly, now when I double click on the methods through VAX-View it takes me something like 3~5 seconds to locate the cursor in my text editor, amongst the 50 methods I have in this file.

2. A second feature related to that goto/double click i would like to suggest is a "place cursor on beginning of function instead of beginning of line" feature. That would place the cursor right at the beginning of the method, not the line because sometimes the method's declaration is 10~20 rows from the start, and you would have to scroll with the keyboard all of that distance to the right.

The combo of both these features would truely be a killer! :)

Please tell me what you think.

Visual Studio 2008 Pro
Windows 7 x64

Tomato Guru

642 Posts

Posted - Mar 15 2006 :  12:15:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
An alternative to item 1 would be for you to type CTRL-SHIFT-right arrow once the cursor is in the source code. That would highlight the word to the right of where the cursor is, showing it to you easily (hopefully).

As for item 2, CTRL-right arrow moves a word at a time, so would get you there a little faster, but... it is not exactly what you are requesting.

Just some suggestions.

Joe Pizzi
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Tomato Guru

272 Posts

Posted - Mar 15 2006 :  01:43:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
An alternative to item 1 would be for you to type CTRL-SHIFT-right arrow once the cursor is in the source code. That would highlight the word to the right of where the cursor is, showing it to you easily (hopefully).

As for item 2, CTRL-right arrow moves a word at a time, so would get you there a little faster, but... it is not exactly what you are requesting.

Just some suggestions.

Thanks jpizzi for your suggestions.

But why make it a 2 or 3 steps process when it can be easily made into one?

Look at how Microsoft does it with their class view. You double click on an item, and not only there is highlights, but ONLY that item/symbol name's is highlighted. Pretty neat. Try it. Now if highlighting the symbol name's only is too much of a work, highlighting the whole line would be good enough.

I would love for Vax-Vire to have the same "goto" or "double click" functionality when it comes to highliting items. I think MS got this one right.

Visual Studio 2008 Pro
Windows 7 x64

Edited by - Sasa on Mar 15 2006 01:44:17 AM
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Tomato Guru

272 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2006 :  7:04:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry for bumping this one. Any thoughts on this guys?

Visual Studio 2008 Pro
Windows 7 x64
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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2006 :  7:56:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We like the MS solution as well -- they introduced it in VS.NET. VA X still behaves similar to how the ClassView operates in VC++ 6.0.

While lots of ideas are great, some are more difficult to implement than they appear on the surface. This is because we don't own the code to the IDE -- we only hack it. Doing something as simple as prodding an IDE to highlight a symbol might really annoy it.

We'll take a look.

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Tomato Guru

272 Posts

Posted - Mar 20 2006 :  8:20:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We'll take a look.

Thanks wholetomato.

I know I seen many plugins that have the "highlight" method for VS2005. They are not helpers like VAX, but rather they have their own toolwindows, and when you click on one of the 'error lines', they go to the source file, and highlight the method, 'a la VS2005'.

Visual Studio 2008 Pro
Windows 7 x64
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Mar 21 2006 :  4:12:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sasa

2. A second feature related to that goto/double click i would like to suggest is a "place cursor on beginning of function instead of beginning of line" feature. That would place the cursor right at the beginning of the method, not the line because sometimes the method's declaration is 10~20 rows from the start, and you would have to scroll with the keyboard all of that distance to the right.

is this because you want to use alt-g to jump from the function name to its line in the header file?

if so have you tried alt-g without moving the caret at all? after jumping to a function you can re-jump without having to move the caret into the function name, which can be a real time saver.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

272 Posts

Posted - Mar 21 2006 :  5:55:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
is this because you want to use alt-g to jump from the function name to its line in the header file?

No, i use it more to navigate a class then to switch between definition and declaration.

When I double click on a method now through the VAViewer, it takes me a good time to locate myself. A simple highlight of the function would be perfect. And a better highlighting would be the VS2005 "Class View" way.

Try it :)

Visual Studio 2008 Pro
Windows 7 x64
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Mar 22 2006 :  3:10:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
*prods class view*

interesting, i have never bothered to use class view myself, so i was not aware of this.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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