As long as I understand there is no legal way to change paths for VA data files. May be its time to put them to user's profile? Normally I don't work with administrative rights and I have to setup security settins for VA working files and folders after each reinstallation of new VA build. It isn't nice to use Program Files as data folder, is it? ;)
While you certainly have a point here, personally I don't like getting my profile polluted w/ huge data files. As a workaround why dont you simply install VAX to your profile dir or a special "all user have access here" dir ?:)
Installing application to profile? Don't like it at all :). I don't insist on using profile for data files - just give me an option where I can chose the folder. I would be happy :)
most bugs or feature requests are mentioned somewhere on the forum, often more than once it is often worth doing a quick search to see if you can find any relevant threads.
now and then checking the glossary will help, since this should give you the official name of a feature or effect, which you can then search for.
it does not always help, but any help at all is good