A recent request to reorder method definitions according to how they are ordered in the class declaration caused me to think that it might be nice to have VAX able to put a contructor's initialization list in its proper order.
I like my init lists to be in the order that the inits will actually occur (ie., the order the members are declared in the class) as all good init lists should be, but I hate actually doing the work to make it so. If VAX could do this for me, I'd appreciate it.
Our company would really like to have this feature and I would like to add to this and make dealing with initializer lists easier in general.
* Alt-G on a member variable in the header file would take you to the initializer list, and vice versa. * An AddInitializer function to add them as they are created in the header file. Or an AddMemberHere function for the header that does it all. * Perhaps a function to highlight missing initializers and/or add default() intitializers for the missing ones. I wouldn't care if it didn't compile, I could fill in the correct params.
We are considering creating an initialization list:
I have some concerns about this idea for alt-g. If this was done, people are going to ask why alt-g goes not offer the member variable when it is set inside a constructor.
Find References, or perhaps Find References in File should help if you just need to locate all references to the member variable.