I have configured VS2005 to use the windows driver kit ( vista version ), but VAX doesn't seem to be parsing the include files and highlighting the symbols.
VS is configured with the include directory "D:\\DDK\\6001.18000\\inc" and VAX shows the same, but the symbols are not highlighted.
In my stdafx.h the project includes are defined as: #include <ntifs.h>
changing these to the full paths corrects the problem #include "D:\\DDK\\6001.18000\\inc\\ntifs.h"
I also have to add this line: #include "D:\\DDK\\6001.18000\\api\\ntdef.h"
So the question remains, why are the files not being found?
A point to note, VS is configured to use the WDK compiler so there are no build errors.
Your suspicions are correct. I found the cause of the problem. The DDK's include directory doesn't contain any files, but it does contain a further 7 directories where the headers reside. Partly my fault, but VS should be configured to scan all 7 directories rather than just the base. Perhaps in a future release VA could be modified to also scan the sub-directories.
It depends how you are configuring VA and the IDE. VA knows that everything underneath its stable include directories is also a stable symbol, so in a sense the entire directory tree is covered.