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 No syntax hightling or autocomplete
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28 Posts

Posted - Sep 03 2008 :  08:48:33 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have a solution with multiple projects and one of these projects is a makefile project. This makefile project is for an API that is not set in my VC++ Directories list. Therefore, it does not show up in the Visual Assist list either.

So what I did is go to the project properties and specified the include directories under the "Include Search Path" option. So it looks like:

Include Search Path: c:\\SOME_API\\include

This doesn't seem to work and as I mentioned, there is no syntax highlighting or auto complete. I tried deleting the ncb project file, but that didn't work either.

VA_X.dll file version 10.4.1647.0 built 2008.07.30
DevEnv.exe version 8.0.50727.762
msenv.dll version 8.0.50727.762
Comctl32.dll version 6.0.2900.5512
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3
2 processors

Any suggestions?

Edited by - BigHands on Sep 03 2008 09:06:29 AM

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19134 Posts

Posted - Sep 03 2008 :  10:20:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you set:

VA Options -> Projects -> C/C++ Directories -> Platform = Custom

you can add this API directory to VA's list of stable include directories, so it will know to search here for header files. Since the Custom platform is VA specific it will not effect how the code is compiled.

This page explains about the custom platform:


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

28 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2008 :  3:19:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Are there plans to add support for parsing "Include Search Path" in makefile projects? This would be amazingly convenient for cross platform work, especially when multiple copies of Visual Studio are open.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19134 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2008 :  10:41:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am quite happy to put in a feature request for this, it is a reasonable idea.

I am currently trying to setup a very simple test case to show the problem, but something is not working. If you right click on a #include line and select the IDE command "Go To Header File" does this work?

I have a header file in a directory called "include", I have added this directory to the:

Makefile solution properties -> Configuration Properties -> NMake -> Include Search Path

field, and restarted the IDE to make sure the changes are saved. However nothing happens when I trigger the IDE command to go to the header file, so I am not sure if this setting is configured correctly or not.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

28 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2008 :  11:05:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline
I am currently trying to setup a very simple test case to show the problem, but something is not working. If you right click on a #include line and select the IDE command "Go To Header File" does this work?

I think "Go To Header File" is the Visual Studio equivalent of VAX's "Open Corresponding File" (i.e. alt+o)
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19134 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2008 :  1:47:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
*oops* yes you are right I never normally use this IDE command, so I assumed it was more clever than it was.

Are you using relative or absolute paths in the "Include Search Path" setting? My first tests did not work, but I was using relative paths. Since I was not quite sure what the IDE was using as its base directory I changed this to an absolute path and VA picked it up and it works correctly.

The include file is located by VA and alt-g takes me to the file.

This is using VS2005 and VA 1649 with a new, very simple C++ makefile project.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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