I don't know if this still happens with the latest version (I am on 10.4.1624.0) but you may want to try it out anyway:
Get a reasonable sized C# class (maybe 600-odd lines) that includes very simple properties and put the properties on a single line, e.g.:
public bool qfDebugFromAdmin { get { return qfDebugFromAdmin_; } set { qfDebugFromAdmin_ = value; } } public bool qfDebugToAdmin { get { return qfDebugToAdmin_; } set { qfDebugToAdmin_ = value; } } public bool qfDebugFromApp { get { return qfDebugFromApp_; } set { qfDebugFromApp_ = value; } } public bool qfDebugToApp { get { return qfDebugToApp_; } set { qfDebugToApp_ = value; } }
Then try to type something in the part of the file that follows this text. What I see when VAX is enabled, is that it will throttle the input to about one character per second. If I spread those same properties over multiple lines, e.g.:
public bool qfDebugFromAdmin { get { return qfDebugFromAdmin_; } set { qfDebugFromAdmin_ = value; } } public bool qfDebugToAdmin { get { return qfDebugToAdmin_; } set { qfDebugToAdmin_ = value; } } public bool qfDebugFromApp { get { return qfDebugFromApp_; } set { qfDebugFromApp_ = value; } } public bool qfDebugToApp { get { return qfDebugToApp_; } set { qfDebugToApp_ = value; } }
then the throttling disappears and I can type at normal speed again.
Just thought you might like to try it out in the latest version :)
VA_X.dll file version 10.4.1624.0 built 2007.12.07 Licensed to: VA X: **** (1-user license) Support ends 2007.12.21 DevEnv.exe version 9.0.21022.8 msenv.dll version 9.0.21022.8 Font: Courier New 13(Pixels) Comctl32.dll version 6.0.2900.5512 Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 2 processors
Platform: Win32 Stable Includes: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\include; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\include; ; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\include;
Other Includes:
Stable Source Directories: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\src\\mfc; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\src\\mfcm; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\src\\atl; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\crt\\src;
I'll hold off on that then. I've lost the install for 1624 and I don't think that you provide earlier versions. Your web-site says that I need to have access to the email which is now long gone (I've emigrated and lost more than just that in the process!)
Just as I feared. I have tried going back and it is now refusing to work, saying that I have to enter my key. Can you send me a copy of my license for 1624, please?
Also, please change your install so that a trial version does not kill a licensed installation
I'm back up and running with 1624 now. I didn't notice any slowdown with the latest version so the signs are good. Will try to get around to renewing at some point but I'm not programming 100% of my time any more so it may not happen soon.