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 Feature Requests
 Window Navigation and Tab Groups
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Posted - Jan 24 2009 :  11:56:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, first of all thanks for making VA! I'm not even close to using all it's features (although I've tried out a lot), but the ones I do use have become absolutely invaluable in my daily work.

Anyway, somehow I get the feeling my question has already been asked for many times, since it's either a very simple thing missing in VS, or I'm just incapable of finding it for some reason.

Actually these are two related but different issues:

1) When cycling through open windows with ctrl-tab, the order in which windows are activated depends on the window stack or some other weird heuristic, but not on the order in which the tabs appear at the top. It would be very nice if VA introduced a VAssistX.NextDocumentWindowNotScrewedUp command that does simply what you would expect, i.e. the tab right to your current one is "next" the one left to it is "previous", period.

2) I just can't seem to figure out a keyboard command to simply activate (i.e. place the cursor in) the next/previous tab *group*. You'd think that something as simple as this MUST be in VS somewhere, but the only thing that comes up in the keyboard options when searching for "tabgroup" is to MOVE a window to the next tab group (which is also very useful, but not what I want). It would be great if VA could provide this!

New Member

3 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2009 :  09:10:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hm, does anyone know if it would be possible to write a macro to handle those cases? I've found a few for 1), but none seems to work robustly.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jan 30 2009 :  10:04:34 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In VS2005 the IDE options dialog is letting me assign a keyboard shortcut to the commands Window.MovetoNextTabGroup and Window.MovetoPreviousTabGroup which seems to be half of what you want.

I am also finding the commands Window.NextTab and Window.PreviousTab, although so far I have not worked out what these two commands are supposed to do.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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New Member

3 Posts

Posted - Jan 30 2009 :  12:18:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, the Moveto[Next|Previous]TabGroup is what I was referring to, it actually moves the entire window around instead of just the cursor. So that doesn't help. I haven't figured out what NextTab/PreviousTab does either, but for sure they don't place the cursor in the second tab group :)

Would this be a reasonable feature to include in VA?
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Feb 04 2009 :  3:31:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am not sure if this is something VA should be trying to do or not, but I do see the appeal of this. I have put in a feature request, to see what our developers make of it:


Out of interest I had a poke at the IDE macro recorder, which led me to this:


However according to the comments the macro is not that reliable.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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