I'm just doing some refactoring using VC6/1715. A lot of small changes at a lot of places. I use Find References for specific symbols but I also need to modify lines around it. At first I modify the symbol manually, then I want to navigate a line below. But after editing the symbol the suggestions list box shows up. So I can't use the cursor keys to navigate within the code. This is ok because I can press the escape key to close the suggestion list box. But at the same time also the Find References window closes. And this drives me mad. Is there a way to close the suggestion list box without closing the Find References window? Or can you make the escape key not affecting several things at the same time?
Unfortunately, VA X is limited in what it can do inside VC 6.0. We don't have any way to create a tabbed window so we hijack the Output window which closes if you press ESC. But I've asked the developers about it.