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Tomato Guru

379 Posts

Posted - Sep 08 2009 :  09:59:21 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Today my collegue wanted me to review his code before checking it in. The problem: he uses a color scheme a la "pascal 1990". It's not that you can't read such text, it's just that the coding engine in your brain is deactivated when the colors don't match!

It would be great if VAX had a button that toggled between different color schemes. That way, a company could define a color scheme that serves as a "most employees can read this"-setting, and still let the programmers choose their own crazy color schemes when nobody is watching.

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Sep 08 2009 :  10:56:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To a degree you should be able to do this already, at least with VS2005 and above. If you use:

IDE tools menu -> Import and Export Settings -> Export selected environment settings

you can select which IDE settings to export, so you can export only the font and colour settings. If you export a "standard" set of settings, then all you need to do is export the custom set someone is using and import the standard set. This can be done quite quickly and does not require an IDE restart.

Now this does not help with VA colours, so you may want to simply disable VA colouring while doing this, and reenable it after reimporting the original IDE settings.

You can export and import VA settings, but since this is done via a registry file this requires an IDE restart.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

379 Posts

Posted - Sep 09 2009 :  05:15:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, but my point was to do this _very_ quickly...

Perhaps you should have an option to NOT colorize the secondary code window (the one you see when you drag by the scrollbar). This way you could get the default coloring by a simple command.

Personally I prefer to have this code colored too, but in this specific case an option to turn it off would be great!
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Sep 09 2009 :  3:56:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It is very unlikely VA will try and override / stop all IDE syntax highlighting. We have enough problems trying to work around the IDE's syntax highlighting as it is.

What happens when you find someone has changed the windows global background colour to something other than white? This changes the editor background colour in the IDE.

Have you considered opening the code file in notepad, or some other program that does no syntax highlighting, thus bypassing any problems with confusing syntax highlighting?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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