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Ketchup Master

81 Posts

Posted - May 27 2010 :  4:02:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There are several issues I would ask you to address:

1) Indentation loss when editing a multi-line chain like: obj.func().func().func() ...

After typing 'foo1.f()', I hit ENTER. The caret is now on the next line, indented one tab.
When I press '.', it gets unindented to the beginning of the line.

2) Snippets do not always work.

I have a nipped defined for '//-'

In some cases, I type the snippet code and nothing happens:

When I backspace to delete the dash and type it again, the snippet is recognized:

In this particular case, I typed 'foo1.f(', the closing bracket was automatically inserted, I skipped over it, hit SPACE then typed the snippet code '//-'

3) VAX "Goto Implementation" does not work when source file is not open.

Sometimes when I'm on a symbol that is defined in a different file and I click on "Goto Implementation", VAX will open the file but will not jump to the correct line (it will stay on the 1st line). If I TAB back and try it again (with the target file already open), VAX will put me on correct line.

I don't know how to recreate. It happens with some symbols but not others.

4) Please integrate the VAX "Goto Implementation" with the VS "Go To definition" and "Go To Declaration".

When I use the VS "Go To definition", the previous location is stored in a stack and is poppable at any time using "Pop Browse Context". The VAX "Goto Implementation" does not offer this functionality.

In that way, the VS "Go To definition" is superior to the VAX "Goto Implementation". Unfortunately, I cannot use it because of the next issue (#5).

5) Visual Studio loses track of some symbols.

"Go To definition" goes to the wrong location or does not work at all, "Code Definition Windows" is wrong in the same manner.
The VAX "Goto Implementation" usually still works OK in these cases.
I do not know if it's a VAX or VS problem.

6) The VAX "Goto Implementation" pops up a list on some symbols.

The list usually consists of a .h file (declaration) and a .cpp file (definition).
In most other cases it correctly determines which file to go to.

I am running VS2005 SP2 with VAX 10.6.1823.0
.SBR and .BSC files are not generated.

Whole Tomato Software

145 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  1:36:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Let's take one at a time:

1) I can reproduce this (case=44942). It seems to be related to the "Convert dot to ->" option. If you turn it off, then formatting is preserved.

Whole Tomato Software
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Whole Tomato Software

145 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  1:49:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
2) case=44944. Seems limited to snippets that begin with a non-alpha character.

Whole Tomato Software
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  2:51:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
problem 3, I believe this is:


this only happens if the file you are jumping to is not open, and the IDE's Code Definition Window is pinned open and currently visible. If it is set to autohide, or it is behind another pinned open window then Alt-G should work correctly the first time.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  3:15:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
point 4: One possible answer is to show VA View and turn on "Include modified methods" in the right click menu of the top half, so that the functions you have been working on will be remembered, and you can simply jump to them via this list:

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  3:20:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
point 5: If "Go To definition" and "Go To Declaration" isn't working but Visual Assist's goto is working (Alt+G) then it is clearly a Visual Studio problem. Visual Assist is using a separate parser and database from Visual Studio's parser and database.

However, you can try
1. exit VS
2. delete the .nbc file in the directory where your .vcproj is placed
3. restart VS
to rebuild Visual Studio's default intellisense database to see if this helps.

Edited by - accord on May 28 2010 3:23:19 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  3:27:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Point 6: Visual Assist's goto is not really a "Goto Implementation". It is simply a "Goto", so when there is an implementation and declaration, it will ask you where to go.
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Ketchup Master

81 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  3:29:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by feline

problem 3, I believe this is:


this only happens if the file you are jumping to is not open, and the IDE's Code Definition Window is pinned open and currently visible. If it is set to autohide, or it is behind another pinned open window then Alt-G should work correctly the first time.

Yes, this is exactly the case!
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Ketchup Master

81 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  3:33:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by accord

point 4: One possible answer is to show VA View and turn on "Include modified methods" in the right click menu of the top half, so that the functions you have been working on will be remembered, and you can simply jump to them via this list:


Doesn't work when the code is not modified, which is the case when debugging or deciphering someone else's code.
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Ketchup Master

81 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  3:35:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by accord

Point 6: Visual Assist's goto is not really a "Goto Implementation". It is simply a "Goto", so when there is an implementation and declaration, it will ask you where to go.

99% of the time it doesn't ask.
It goes to the implementation, unless it is already there, then it goes to the declaration.

However, sometimes it gets confused and pops up a list.
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Ketchup Master

81 Posts

Posted - May 28 2010 :  3:44:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just to elaborate on my point #4.

The enhancement I am asking for is the equivalent of the VS "Pop Browse Context".
It is very useful when debugging/maintaining, as it keeps a stack of location that I "jumped" to, ignoring "normal" movement.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - May 29 2010 :  06:14:02 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been playing with this "Pop Browse Context" a little, but I don't really see how it works: what's the difference between navigate backward and the former?

You can try Visual Assist's version of this: just assign


to a keyboard shortcut here:

Tools -> Options... -> Environment -> Keyboard

It works slightly different so maybe you will like it even if you don't like VS's variant.

Edited by - accord on May 29 2010 06:32:06 AM
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Ketchup Master

81 Posts

Posted - May 31 2010 :  10:22:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"Pop Browse Context" moves backwards through the browsing history.
For example, if you put the caret on an instance of func() and hit F12, you'll be taken to func()'s definition. Then you can move around but when you "Pop Browse Context" (CTRL-Num*) you'll be taken directly to the instance that you were on at the beginning, bypassing all the subsequent browsing.

This is much more more convenient than plain "navigate backwards" because it only goes to the points of interest (the browse context).

Also see:

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
3287 Posts

Posted - Jun 01 2010 :  1:48:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've put in a feature request to support Pop Browse Context to see what the developers make of it:


An interesting feature I've seen is that it saves your original position before you jump to find references locations so you will need to press this button/shortcut once to get back after you visited several locations.

Another interesting thing is that it doesn't save the caret position before you jump to a line via double clicking over a line in find in files list. Isn't it annoying?
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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Aug 04 2010 :  5:42:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
case=22548 is fixed in build 1829

Whole Tomato Software, Inc.
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