I have checked "Do not parse files excluded by .vscode\settings.json" option.
settings.json looks like this:
"C_Cpp.default.compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/out/build/${command:cmake.activeBuildPresetName}/compile_commands.json",
"evenBetterToml.taplo.configFile.path": ".vscode/taplo.toml",
"files.exclude": {
"**/out": true,
"**/vcpkg/downloads": true,
"**/vcpkg/packages ": true
However VA goes ahead and parses these directories anyway, you can see it traversing those dirs in the taskbar on a symbol rebuild, plus I see ~15 definitions of everything in the various packages due to the multiple copies (which is one of the problems I'm ultimately trying to solve).
Is this feature not functioning correctly or am I mis-using it somehow? Thx.