The spell-checker gets confused if you have a comment that isn't actually commented.
Often, at the end of the day, I'll leave a note in the source code to remind me what I should do the next morning. I key this in as just raw text (not as a comment), specifically so that it won't compile: if a few days go by before I can get back to it, I can rely on the compiler to remind me (which is much more failsafe than relying on my memory and a comment).
The problem with the spell-checker is that when it encounters my notes, it retroactively marks commented words such as "the" as mispelled. For example, in this code:
// Which column has the primary key?
We need to get the position in the attr list...
... note that the commented "the" - which occurs before my note - is marked as mispelled. In fact, every occurance of "the" - both after and before my note - is marked as mispelled!
I've emailed a screenshot to the support mailbox with the subject VAX 1209 Topic 1076.