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 jump to unmatched bracket
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Apr 01 2004 :  07:44:29 AM  Show Profile
VAX already detects unmatched brackets, since it highlights them.

for the second time in 2 days i have managed to introduce an unmatched bracket into my 2000 line cpp file

VS doesnt seem to be any help at finding this unmatched bracket. since VAX presumably knows where it is, could i have a way of jumping to it?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness

Tomato Guru

1041 Posts

Posted - Apr 01 2004 :  09:31:12 AM  Show Profile
Hmmm... have you tried selecting the entire file, then hitting Alt-F8? If you're lucky, the bad brace may jump at out you...

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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Apr 01 2004 :  09:54:40 AM  Show Profile
Interesting suggestion. At first thought, it seems reasonable. Unfortunately, it gets confusing quickly.

Highlighting of a parentheses and brace, ie an unmatched pair, imply typically something between the two is missing. Where is anyone's guess. VA X won't know any more than you do.

One could find examples where VA X could help, no doubt, but is implementation worth the effort? And if you cover one case, do people start finding more cases?

We wil pass on this one for now.

Whole Tomato Software, Inc.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Apr 01 2004 :  10:36:48 AM  Show Profile
Larry, what did you expect Alt-F8 to do? on my machine it opens the Macro Explorer. i am guessing you are referring to formatting the code. if the file was smaller and simpler i would probably try that.

support, when i found the missing brace i looked for highlighted brackets, and VAX didn't seem to have spotted any. as you say, the idea sounds good but is probably a real headache to tackle.

a combination of the surrounding brackets being highlighted and ctrl-] allowed me to track it down quite quickly

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

1041 Posts

Posted - Apr 01 2004 :  10:45:05 AM  Show Profile
Larry, what did you expect Alt-F8 to do? on my machine it opens the Macro Explorer.
Hmmm... on my machine it does formatiing...
i am guessing you are referring to formatting the code. if the file was smaller and simpler i would probably try that.
No, I don't mean you should actually save the results of the formatting - heaven forfend! But if you format the whole file, and there's an extra "{" somewhere, as you scroll down the file, you'll suddenly notice that methods are no longer flush left, but indented one tab. That means the "{" is in the previous method... glad you found it anyway!
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