I'm sure this was already sometime ago requested but I cant find it.
When using #import to import com namespaces, VAX does not recognize types from this namespace(s). I would be really phantastic when VAX could import these type libraries and show them like normal namespaces.
I'm sure the source code for OLEView is somewhere available
VA should work with #imported modules. #import "foo.dll", should create a foo.tlh in your output directory and VA should find and parse the file. If the file there? If you open the file manually and hit reparse, does it fix the problem?
Ok, a rebuild all and reparse all later, VAX recognizes the types from this namespace. But it seems to be a bit confused about the types defined therein. When I Alt+G on a type, VAX takes me to the .h file created from the .IDL file, instead of the .tlh file. The forward declarations for the interfaces in the .h file seem to irritate VAX - it shows only the forward declaration instead of the real declaration in the definition bar.
Or, maybe I am just misunderstanding (or expecting too much) how VAX supports COM.