using a QString i am building a piece of HTML from a data file.
so, my .cpp file has hundreds of lines of the form:
m_strDisplay += "<B>Another Label</B>";
where m_strDisplay is of type QString.
after typing strDisplay plus a space i nearly always get a VAX suggestion, it has a tomato with a question mark overlaid, and the suggestion is always for + on its own.
i have just done a find in my file for the regular expression:
m_strDisplay \\+[^=]
which should pick up any lines of the format:
m_strDisplay + "<B>No equals here</B>";
and it is not finding any matches, as i would expect.
VAX has re-parsed the file many times over the last few days that i have been working on it, and it hasn't offered me the suggestion += even once.
because i was curious, i just did a find in current file for the regular expression:
m_strDisplay \\+=
and there are 298 matching lines out of a total of 2139 lines, which should be more than enough for VAX to have worked out the pattern by now.
using VS .NET 2003 and VAX 1223