Since installing build 1233, my copy of VC6 has become unstable. The VC6 IDE often evaporates without warning, or displays an access violation dialog and terminates.
Example crashes: - Right clicking on a checkbox in the resource editor - Changing the active project - Opening the "Tools/Customize" dialog of VC6
Disabling VAX (by unchecking it from the add-ins section of the tools/customize dialog) was the only way I could keep the IDE alive long enough to do any programming.
On one occasion, having disabled VAX (to get some software engineering done) I tried to re-enable it. I ticked the check-box in the add-ins section of the customize dialog and pressed OK. The IDE then crashed immediately.
There is no doubt in my mind that VAX is the culprit here, as it is the only thing I have changed in my development environment for months. I am rewinding to 1231.
BTW, thankyou Mr. Whole Tomato for the auto recovery of unsaved files! This feature has saved my bacon a number of times over the last few days.