I just checked some settings in my VAX, because I wondered why it didn't find some implementations.
I found that the MFC source files are set as C:\\Programme\\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\\Vc7\\atlmfc\\src\\atlmfc;
This is wrong! Were are those settings from? Also why are the settings for Win32 fixed and can not be changed? I know that I can change it to custom, but give me a reason?
There are some directories in the list that I never placed into, yes they are valid directories but I want to change them. Is this a remainder from the old VA build?
Also a very nasty bug in this settings dialog. Change configuration to Custom. Doubleclick an entry to edit it. Press ESC. The entry gets deleted.
Martin Richter [rMVP] WWJD http://blog.m-ri.de "A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly written program is its own hell!" The Tao of Programming
I am sorry! The settings in my VS.NET 2003 were wrong. This was the reason.
But the bug remains when editing an entry.
Martin Richter [rMVP] WWJD http://blog.m-ri.de "A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly written program is its own hell!" The Tao of Programming
Buf if I use the Win32 settings and I change the preset in the VS.NET. VAX does not update its values.
Martin Richter [rMVP] WWJD http://blog.m-ri.de "A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly written program is its own hell!" The Tao of Programming