hello support, i want to vote for the old feature (lost long time ago) to have an explicit command for doing comment with /**/. Now i can do this only with line comments. I know i can do this with the "surround selection" feature but this causes always trouble for me because i often mark text to overwrite and if my new text starts with *({# the result is very disappointing. If this is impossible can you please offer options to fine tune the "surround selection" feature so that i can only mark "*" for surround selection.
We considered separate options for the Surround Selection feature but our tendency is to limit options when possible. We realize this doesn't fit the needs of some people. Perhaps we will reconsider in the future.
The command we run when one selects VAssistX|Surround|Comment is not what happens when you surround using * or / on the keyboard. What we run is old and rather lame. We need to run one of our improved variants. (This applies also to our /* command when added to a toolbar.)