Typical scenario Using a Workspace with 2 Projects. Project1 a DLL Project2 a GUI app that uses the Project1 DLL
Project1 is finished and partially tested before Project2 starts. But while developing Project2 ALWAYS I have to change something or fix a bug on Project1.
I'd like VisualX extending the native C++ "Protection and Encapsulation" to the coding phase. Many times when I was going back to Project1 to fix a bug I've made another one just for typing something wrong in the wrong place probably while I was browsing trying to locate the right spot in the file.
My idea is being able to select part of a source file (*.cpp, *.h etc) and convert that area to READ ONLY after that, the background color of that area should change to indicate that that area is READ ONLY and obviously the editing of that area shouldn't be allowed.
in this way I'm completely sure that no accidental change can be made to the protected areas. If I need to fix something in a protected area should be as easy as selecting that particular area and convert it back to READ/WRITE. Also this helps to work in a let say new routine in a file that contains others that were working and tested before, if a problem occurs I'd just be completely focused in the unprotected area as the first try.
I think the file lock feature could be implemented with a file keeping record dynamically of the locked areas in a Project or Workspace basis. I'm not an expert, please forgive me if this is already invented and I didn't know it
i will ask support for a comment, but changing the background colour is probably not likely. i really don't know about making a section read only. VAX would effectively have to "eat" all key presses...
The topic you mention is asking just for a visual aid signaling a particular area.
My point is mainly being able to define protected READ ONLY areas in source files. The indications of those areas could be done changing the background color or adding something in the left margin, lets say a red bracket covering the area that tells me that that particular area is PROTECTED.
about to swallowing keystrokes on protected areas you're right or probably changing the character for the bell would be better reminding me that I'm trying to edit a protected area